“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as being stuck where you don’t belong.” -Mandy Hale
We develop core beliefs about ourselves based on our earliest experiences.
If we have had a lifetime of hurt that began with not being protected or cared for in the way that we needed, we develop adaptations to manage living in the environment we were too young and vulnerable to be able to leave or change.
These beliefs and coping behaviors become like wagon wheel ruts – run deep with years of use.
Creating new wagon wheel ruts takes incredible effort – and it can be so discouraging when the stressors or rains of life send us slipping back into the familiar.
I have found that EMDR therapy, modified for complex/developmental trauma can powerfully facilitate this process by literally re-routing neurological pathways. Yet it still takes grit and courage to do the work.
What are your thoughts and experiences with this?
#transformation #newgrooves #emdrtherapy #complexptsd #developmentaltrauma
To learn more about The EMDR Readiness Course: Powerful First Steps to Heal & Transform Your Life Story – and for training for EMDR professionals – follow the links below!