“May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.” -Xan Oku
I think this is true both of the tears shed in the acute pain of trauma – but it is also true of the tears that flow as we heal.
When the brain locks down on difficult experience – it leaves us only aware of the harshness, the damage, the awful conclusions that we are worthless or powerless or destined for a life of eternal winter.
Yet, hidden in the seeds of our experiences are actually evidence of our unique beauty, the resilience shown in our survival, and the wisdom gained through the storms that can help us thrive!
The work of healing with EMDR therapy can be painful – and feel like unfairly having to choose to return to the storm – but it is this that can release the life that has been trapped in these seeds.
What are your experiences in learning to welcome the rain? Does it seem possible yet? Have you been able to glimpse the bits of green sprout forth yet – or even seen the blossoms?! I’d love to hear!!