“Little by little, one travels far.” -J.R.R. Tolkien
This really is what EMDR therapy modified to treat Complex/Developmental Trauma is like!!
I cringe sometimes when I hear therapists talking about how EMDR can resolve PTSD in a handful of sessions. It can. It can be like magic for single-incident trauma.
However, I have found it unhelpful and disappointing to those who hear this and call for treatment with mistaken expectations – because this timeframe does not apply for most clients that seek our services.
So often, PTSD or anxiety or depression have a complicated combination of hurtful experiences and unmet developmental needs at their root.
The work of unraveling damage that began way back at the beginning – healing the events that have layered one upon another upon another – takes time.
Great healing and transformation IS absolutely possible with EMDR therapy – yet it very often requires patience and determination and lionhearted courage along the way!
I’d love to hear your thoughts about this!
#healing #trauma #ptsd #cptsd #developmentaltrauma #anxiety #depression #emdr #emdrreadinesscourse