“The ocean does not apologize for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I.” -Becca Lee
Lionhearts, we are not too complicated. We are not too much.
Early experiences of harsh, uncaring, unkind, and dismissive treatment can lodge these beliefs deep in our nervous system.
We learn instinctively to stay small, hide our complexity, and diminish our own voice.
These adaptations helped us manage situations that we had no power to change or escape.
With some caregivers, siblings, and peers – being a child is essentially being in captivity.
Sometimes, we grow into adulthood but have no felt sense of the power and freedom that brings.
Yet, the nervous system can unlearn the confines of the past and the response patterns that are no longer necessary!
I believe EMDR therapy modified to address complex developmental trauma is especially wonderful for this!!
#cptsd #developmentaltrauma #emdr #emdrreadinesscourse
Thank you to @beccaleepoetry for these beautiful words!!