“And one day I realized my demons were not demons at all. Just the things I did not want to face.” -JM Storm
It takes so much courage to turn and face again the dark and painful parts of one’s history.
The emotions, the memories, the realities of hurt and abandonment by those who we most needed to protect and love us – these can feel like terrifying demons to face.
I am grateful for the confidence EMDR therapy allows me to have that this brave act is likely well worth it.
The reprocessing can release the hold of the past, allow the emotions to flow out, and the darkness to be transformed into what is light and true.
I would love to hear your thoughts!! In what way does this resonate with you?
#lionheart #courage #transformation #cptsd #developmentaltrauma #emdr #emdrreadinesscourse
Thank you to JmStorm for these powerful words!!