“If you are far away from yourself, how could you ever be close to another?” -Yung Pueblo
I’ve been saddened recently while reading proclamations by some of the seeming gloriousness of abandoning reliance on others – holding to the conviction this is the higher path as others have proven we have only our own selves to trust.
The danger is that the instinct to wall off our hearts and pick up our own bootstraps – it costs us disconnection with ourselves.
For, to do so we must distance ourselves from the loneliness and the longings that define us as humans – who are simply not made to thrive alone.
We can survive alone, yes. But we cannot thrive – neither as little ones nor as adults.
Paradoxically though, repairing the wounds to our attachment system involves learning to look at our younger selves with loving eyes – seeing we always deserved protection, nurture, stability, and guidance and becoming our younger selves’ primary source for them.
Acknowledging these were legitimate needs that any little human deserved to have met – including our little selves – is powerful.
It connects us to ourselves, which opens our awareness of our longings, deepens our understanding of the quality of attachment relationships we were designed for, and awakens the courage to be vulnerable with those who deserve our trust.
I’m curious about your thoughts on this!
#connection #attachment #complexptsd #developmentaltrauma #emdr #emdrreadinesscourse
Thank you to Yung Pueblo for these beautiful words!!
The Course covers many of the elements that can make a world of difference in treating complex/developmental trauma with EMDR therapy – particularly powerful tools for repairing the attachment system. While it is not therapy – it is designed to supplement therapy in a powerful way! If you’re curious about learning more about the Course and how EMDR therapy can heal trauma by transforming how memories are stored in the brain – then check out the link above.