Miss Sophie is recovering after a pretty rough day today.
I love these certificates that my Vet’s office gives out – I really think we should be giving them out to each other more often!!
So – here is to you – and the courage and strength you’ve shown when facing something tough or scary lately!!
I hope you’ll tag someone who you think deserves one of these today!!
#certificateofbravery #courage #strength #trauma #ptsd #emdr #emdrreadinesscourse
If you haven’t yet, I invite you to join me for the first Module of The EMDR Readiness Course (for free!) – to learn about how EMDR therapy provided by a well-trained, careful practitioner can be modified to treat complex/developmental trauma. The link above.
The full course is designed to be a source of knowledge – a precursor or adjunct to treatment – to help insure there is what needs to be in place before trauma memory processing can begin safety and effectively