“She was brave and strong and broken all at once.” -Anna Funder
Sometimes I work with people who seem so very strong and capable to world – and they are that.
But something else is true too.
They are so strong and capable because they simply had to be. They didn’t have anyone else to take care of them – to have their back – to be their safety net of nurture, wisdom, or protection.
Their broken parts are hidden deep.
And it is a lonely, scary thing when your deepest sense is that you are it – there is no one else who feels safe for you to lean on.
I believe so strongly that we must each become our own core source of nurture, protection, and wisdom – but it is not so we can be islands.
Rather, it is so our nervous systems can be transformed from insecure to secure – and we can begin to instinctually sense who does deserve our trust – who will be safe and strong and on our side – and who can hold us and our broken parts when it is just too much to do alone.
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