This photo was taken by a young woman whom I deeply admire for her courage in facing a lifetime of trauma.
The way through is tough, especially when we have to start by repairing an attachment system that was broken from the beginning. But I’ve seen that it can be restored, and there is so much beauty and hope in the strong, secure self that begins to emerge.
#lionheart #healing #transformation #trauma #ptsd #complexptsd #emdrtherapy #emdrreadinesscourse
My open invitation stands for you to join me for the first Module of The EMDR Readiness Course (for free!) – to learn about how EMDR therapy provided by a well-trained, careful practitioner can be modified to treat complex/developmental trauma. The link is above.
The full course is designed to be a source of knowledge – a precursor or adjunct to treatment – to help insure there is what needs to be in place before trauma memory processing can begin safety and effectively.